The Need for AR/VR

For this week’s assignment we discussed the benefits of Augmented and Virtual Reality

First Wear Google Glass


As technology advances, education should incorporate these advancements. Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) are such a technology that will complete transform education. VR/AR will create immersive and interactive environments that allow all learners to engage in ways that the traditional method has not been able to achieve. Focusing on simulations and accessibility, the following proposal will offer an implementation to incorporate VR/AR into the curriculum.


John Dewey’s philosophy of education focused on the act of ‘learning by doing,’ (Dewey, 1938). The best way to create the opportunity to learn by doing is to actually complete simulations. The problem is that these experiences cannot be replicated within the learning parameters, being either too expensive, too abstract, or not everyone can participate due to accessibility reasons. Incorporating VR/AR will offer simulations that everyone can participate in. VR/AR can not only motivate learners but include them in the learning process (Akgun & Atici, 2022). Chen et. al. (2024) conducted a meta-analysis on the impacts of VR/AR and concluded that there is good for learning and overall positive. Continuing, VR/AR has shown effectiveness across all levels of education.


The two main areas that VR/AR should focus on educational simulations and accessibility. Simulations provide immersive learning environments where students can be afforded realistic and interactive scenarios. A recent case study was done on a human anatomy class with AR technology. The study concluded that the participants overwhelmingly favored the AR integration (Stelter & Kim, 2023). The same simulations provide safe practice spaces. More than just virtual field trips, but applications in STEM where simulations can be done without fear of danger. The same human anatomy class praised the visualization aspects offered by the simulations (Stelter & Kim, 2023). Differentiation is also incorporated with the ability to change the simulations based on student progression or other educational experience.

The second area where virtual and augmented reality will benefit students is in the area of accessibility. Assistive technologies like real time translation or visual transformations provide inclusion for those who would generally be excluded. Diverse learners can use interactive textbooks or alternative learning plans based on the abilities of VR/AR. As described above simulations through interactions with the textbooks transform learning from reading to actually doing. Finally, more remote opportunities for when the need arises, either for individuals, or for a subset of the population.


For the technology and integration to work, buy in from everyone needs to happen. A flawed attempt will ultimately fail, so the integration and training element is just as important as the technology. A full commitment from those who commit to purchasing, to the teachers who will learn a new curriculum, to those students who want to test out the curriculum needs to be addressed. As evidenced, studies have been done to show their effectiveness, only when there was a commitment by all to embrace the new technology.

A pilot program should be done to make sure the core objectives are being met. A study of student satisfaction as well as academic progress should be done compared to those with more traditional methods of learning. If the pilot program goes well, a full rollout should be done. Issues that arise should be addressed. Those who have disabilities that limit googles or augmented realtiy due to headaches and discomfort.


The studies above corroborate the benefits of introducing AR/VR into the curriculum. Human anatomy students were positive about the experience due to the visual and haptic feedback (Stelter & Kim, 2023). The meta-analysis done by Chen et. al, (2024) showed increased proficiencies and better engagement among students. All the studies do suggest that a training program must be implemented, especially to address discomfort of wearing such devices.

Final Thoughts

Whether AR/VR is a passing educational phase or the next shift in education is still waiting to be seen. The applications presented to date show that there are positives especially in simulations and accessibility. To make experiences inclusive and available to all is enough to demonstrate that these technologies should be taken seriously.


Akgun, M., & Atici, B. (2022). The Effects of Immersive Virtual Reality Environments on Students’ Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analytical and Meta-Thematic Study. Participatory Educational Research, 9(3), 111–131.

Dewey, J. (1938). Experience and education. New York: Macmillan Company.

Chen, J., Fu, Z., Liu, H., & Wang, J. (01 2024). Effectiveness of Virtual Reality on Learning Engagement: International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies, 19, 1–14. doi:10.4018/IJWLTT.334849

Stelter, A. K., & Kim, E. (2023). Looking Through the Virtual Glasses: Exploring Student Experience with Augmented Reality in Human Anatomy Courses. Journal of the California Dental Hygienists’ Association, 41(2), 12–19.

Haim Cohen

Haim Cohen

CS Teacher, Podcaster, Organizer of Cryptovillage, and Chairman of Highland Park NJ Public Information Committee.